Guitar School
Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments around. But there is a difference between seeing someone play guitar like a pro and actually learning how to play one. Owning an expensive guitar won’t make you a good guitar player either. Guitar School is one of many apps you can pick up to improve your playing skills wherever you are .
Guitar School covers the basics of what it takes to play guitar. It shows you how to tune your guitar and master the basic chords. The app has a ton of useful information and guitar diagrams to help with your learning process. Guitar School shows users how to use 6 basic chords. It even has 4 songs to give you a more practical way to master what you have learned.
Guitar School has a simple-to-follow interface and can save you time learning how to play guitar. Guitar School is designed for beginners. It won’t make you a master though. I would love to be able to record my own practices and compare it with the original play to find my mistakes. Adding training and tips in form of video to this app would be nice too.
Guitar School may not make you a pro guitar player. But it can get you started with this instrument faster. It has easy-to-follow tips and can serve as a good starting place for your journey in the guitar world.
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