

Market List

I don’t know about you but grocery shopping has never been my favorite activity. It gets even more painful when..

Cloud Calendar

Apple iPad can be a great productivity tool for business professionals and anyone interested in keeping their life organized and..

MUJI Calendar

Google Calendar is one of the most popular calendar solutions around these days. Google has done a wonderful job bringing..

Pomodoro App

Learning how to manage time better is essential for anyone who intends to become more productive and get more done..

Stash Pro

Using devices such as iPad does not necessarily mean that you should kiss your privacy goodbye. What you visit on..

Speed Text HD

There are plenty of typing applications available for iPad. These apps let you enter your information on your tablet faster…

Jot! for iPad

Who needs a paper notebook when you have got apps such as Jot! on your iPad? Jot! is an exciting..

Story Tracker

Pursuing a career as a writer is not as straight forward as it seems on paper. Successful writers have had..

SpeedText Pro

As a full-time blogger, I have spent a lot of time improving my typing skill on a regular keyboard to..