There is a big difference between exercising to lose weight / stay fit and pushing your body to perform better in running, swimming, and bike riding competitions. To improve your performance, you need to have a plan and stick with it. Logging your workout sessions would give you the chance to analyze what you are doing and make changes to improve your results. LogMyTraining is an exciting app that helps with that.
LogMyTraining is designed for triathletes, runners, bikers, and swimmers. It lets you transfer your activities from various sources to your tablet (including Polar Protrainer, Garmin Training Center, SportTracks, and CSV). Your information is color-coded for your convenience. Users can create and modify activities directly on the device.
LogMyTraining lets you create different user profiles. It keeps track of your heart rate, speed, pace, and other relevant information and displays them on a graph. You can not only import data from various sources, but you can also back your data up and analyze it using a spreadsheet software.
LogMyTraining is a pretty quality app for those of you who run, swim or ride competitively. It keeps track of your stats and provide you with email and tweet summaries. This is not perfect by any means but has a lot of potential.
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