Free iPad Apps


iEMF+ for iPad

If you have been watching ghost hunting shows on cable TV recently, chances are you have seen EMF devices used..

iTunes U

I don’t know about you but I am a big fan of free educational courses that are available on the..

Milk Maid

The pregnancy period can be quite challenging and enlightening for new moms. But the challenges don’t stop there. Growing small..


You can’t become a master chef overnight. But you can always learn from others and improve your own recipes. One..

Tab GReader

Google Reader is one of the best RSS readers around. It make the process of keeping up with lots of..

Vision Test

You could have the brightest mind around. Without a decent pair of eyes, you will have a hard time experiencing..


So you have just picked up a Canon camera and want to find out which lenses are available to you?..


Anyone who has spent time doing research on stocks knows the importance of using charts to make better investing decisions…