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The iPad may be a very useful tool for students, but it has its benefits for teachers as well. Attendance..


Most coaches use white-boards to instruct their team how to play a series or counter-attack their opponents. Some even use..


We have tested many golf training iPhone apps on our sister website. Learning Golf using an iPhone could work, but..

Doodle Calc

We all remember the good old simple calculators. They were not that expensive, but they did not offer anything special..


Apple iPad may be a shiny device but that does not mean that you’d have to be “cool” to get..


People do make fun of teleprompter these days, but they are used by executives and business professionals everyday for presentations..


A lot of people give Google a hard time over its plans for world domination. There are folks who consider..


Being able to go through your e-mails on iPad or iPhone is nice. But your e-mail experience would not be..